Toilet Paper

Note: I’ve been working on a bigger project I’m not ready to share, but Emma’s been so prolific, writing chapter after chapter of her story (which features incredibly genuine characters, some good verbal negotiation, and believable scenarios) and I was inspired to take a break and at least contribute something short while we’re stuck at home worrying about the world crumbling around us. I also want to mention that I started this story BEFORE everyone was hoarding; we unfortunately no longer have a wealth of extra toilet paper.

When Xen went to refill the toilet paper before her shower, she saw it was the last roll in the closet. Crumpling up the plastic, she cracked the door. “Jareth?” She called, poking her head out.

She could hear his chair creaks as he leaned back, and his voice answered from the office. “Yeah?”

“Can you make sure one of us gets toilet paper from the basement tomorrow?” 

There was a brief pause, then Jareth called, “Added it to the task list!” Xen closed the door and took her shower. 

The next morning, as Xen was restocking the closet with towels, she noticed  an unopened pack of toilet paper hiding behind the hand towels. She moved it to the bottom shelf, where they usually kept their back-up rolls. Jareth was tying his shoes for a walk around the neighborhood. “The toilet paper was already upstairs,” Xen told him, “I just didn’t see it last night.” 

“Well it’s on the list,” said Jareth with a smug look. Xen rolled her eyes at him and he grinned, then kissed her before heading outside. 

Xen shook her head at him, then went downstairs. They’d just had a delivery from Amazon, and they hadn’t gone through the last order. There was quite a lot of toilet paper.

That night, once the kids were down and Jareth and Xen were settling down for bed, Xen curled up on her side re-reading a novel on her ipad, though she wasn’t making much progress. Jareth opened the drawer on his bedside table to get out his kindle. A toilet paper roll was crammed inside, just slightly bent. “Really?” Jareth said to her. 

Xen did not turn to look at him. “It was on the list,” She said innocently, with the barest hint of a smile. He sighed in mock exasperation, and stood up, bringing the toilet paper into the bathroom closet with the unopened package. 

He didn’t see the other rolls until he tried to change his underwear for the night. Xen slunk down in bed in anticipation, eyes still locked on her book. 

Jareth stood mutely staring into his underwear drawer for several seconds. Xen could picture what he was seeing: A drawer filled front to back with toilet paper rolls. In her peripheral vision, Xen saw Jareth turn to look at her, but he said nothing, and she continued to pretend to read. Still silent, Jareth emptied the drawer of toilet paper, ferrying them to the bathroom closet, a few at a time. Xen bit her cheeks, trying to keep her face blank. 

Finally, Jareth closed his empty drawer, and sat on the bed, leaning down to open the bottom drawer, where they kept all their toys and implements. The bed creaked and there was another long pause. 

When Xen couldn’t stand the suspense any longer, she turned her head slyly, but Jareth was waiting patiently to meet her sneaky look straight on with his best glare. She couldn’t stop a snort of laughter leaking out. He gave a sigh that was half growl. He flipped the covers off her and she instinctively rolled over to protect her backside still giggling. Jareth scooted closer to her and pulled her over his lap. 

Jareth yanked down Xen’s underwear. He patted her in an almost friendly manner. “So Xen, where’d you put the toys?”

“With your boxers?” Suggested Xen. He slapped his palm down. 

She laugh-yelped, and tried to twist away, but he held her in place and landed several more moderately hard swats. “Ow!” She complained, still chuckling.

He continued to spank her slowly, hard enough to hurt, though not hard enough to stop her snickers. “Do you really want to make me ask again?” Jareth asked in a deceptively mild voice. 

Xen didn’t push any further, though she couldn’t dismiss her smirk. “In the bin under the bed,” she told him. Jareth slid her off his lap and bent down to pull out the plastic bin. Xen felt a flicker of worry as he lifted the lid and it shot up to fear when his hand hovered over the implements he would use for punishment. But instead he picked up a long, thick, cardboard tube. Jareth sat back on the bed and slapped the cardboard into the palm of his hand several times, like a gangster testing out a steel pipe. “So,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “I guess you like toilet paper tubes.”

Xen managed to keep her face smooth. “That’s from saran wrap,” she pointed out.

“Close enough.” He informed her, and he reached for Xen’s arm. 

Xen let herself be guided back over his lap, mirth battling with nervousness.  Mirth won over, and Xen felt a snort of laughter erupt from her as he settled her to his satisfaction. She tried to contain it, but it continued to leak out, even as she squealed in protest at the tube’s first hard blow. 

To the casual observer, the cardboard tube looked no different from a typical discarded paper towel tube. The primary difference could be seen if you turned to look through the tube like a telescope: the cardboard was solid and about an eight of an inch thick all around. It had come from a Kirkland brand industrial sized package of plastic wrap that had lasted them a year. Xen thought you could probably use it to build furniture without fear of it bending, and certainly her butt made no impact on it, even after forceful and repeated assaults to the cardboard.

The cardboard made a soft thumping sound when it hit, and the pain was a deep penetrating thud, with minimal sting. It made the pain easier to tolerate, so Xen was still battling spurts of giggles in-between protests and half hearted attempts to escape Jareth’s swings. The pain and heat built up, and she tried to stop herself, but the image of the drawers packed full of toilet paper kept sneaking back into her mind and she’d lose control all over again. 

He spanked gradually harder as Xen’s laughter refused to be repressed, and in spite of the hilarity, her squirming and intermittent yelps of protest became more genuine. When Jareth decided the struggling was excessive, he delivered a series of firm swats with the tube to her thighs and she stilled, whimpering in earnest. 

Slowly, the deep pain from the beating overcame the delirium of amusement, and a calm settled over her. She took slow shaky breaths, sinking into the swelling burn. 

Xen wasn’t relaxed, rather she perched tensely on the razor thin edge of craving and aversion. The ache in her skin and muscles was beyond the sting of playful swats, just a hair past what she wanted. Her resistance opened like a creaky gate, accepting it, only protesting when an especially hard wallop drew an involuntary cry. When she had been still for some time, Jareth gave her a last few hard clouts, then stopped. 

He helped her up, and she nestled into the curve of his chest. Xen’s mind hummed pleasantly, and her bottom radiated with a not unwelcome heat. They snuggled tranquilly for several minutes until the haze diminished, and she smiled, suddenly amused again. She chuckled, but it was a controlled laugh, her thoughts still quiet, and Jareth only shook his head at her. 

“Hang on,” he said after they’d both been quiet for a few minutes. “Where DID you put my underwear?”

Xen nuzzled him. She burrowed against him as endearingly as she could manage. “Here and there,” she told him blandly. Jareth shook his head again and gave her another swat.

3 thoughts on “Toilet Paper”

    1. Thanks Patty! The uncontrolled laughter gets me… Er I mean hypothetical character “Xen”, into trouble quite often. It’s the fun kind of trouble though.

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